Awww Crap!
Okay, it's not as bad as all that. Why don't we make the best of our time on Saturday? Jarrett, if you would show up with your CDs and player, I would bring mine and we could discuss. Actually, everyone, well not everyone, but anyone who wanted to could show up and help to plan out the schedule for the post-Germany work. If we make a good, well thought out schedule, we can hit the pavement running when y'all return from Duetchland. That might actually end up being the best thing to do. If it will happen, could someone give me a call to notify me, as I don't have regular computer access.
A broken arm???!?!?!?!?!? I never knew that the character I was playing and such had a broken arm. Hmmmm.........
Right then. Just remember to contact me via telephone about Saturday.